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Water-to-Go ambassador, Ash Dykes, is attempting his toughest challenge yet 发布日期:2018-03-19

Water-to-Go ambassador, Ash Dykes, is attempting his toughest challenge yet

Ash Dykes is an extreme athlete and adventurer who is embarking on his latest challenge. After conquering Mongolia and Madagascar, Ash has announced details of his forthcoming expedition which is something that has never been done before. Water-to-Go attended an exclusive event at Canary Wharf along with other sponsors and partners to hear the announcement.

Ash Dykes with sponsors and partners at his expedition launch event in Canary Wharf (Photography by lubo – distinguished photography — www.stefanlubo.com)

On Wednesday 7th March 2018, Water-to-Go ambassador, Ash Dykes, launched his expedition to the world in style. The day saw a gathering of Ash’s team and sponsors at The Pagination in Canary Wharf, to celebrate the launch of the long-planned world first. It certainly went down as Ash’s greatest announcement to date; the expedition was the most talked about news throughout the UK on Wednesday, reaching hundreds of thousands of people within just 12 hours. The news was covered in the likes of the Independent, BBC News, Mail Online to name a few and his announcement video received well in excess of 100,000+ views.

“The support has been overwhelming and I’d like to personally and genuinely thank everyone for being behind me, team members, sponsors and the public – it’s been incredible and is only just the beginning.”

Ash Dykes

Ash Dykes with Dave Shanks, Water-to-Go CEO (Photography by lubo – distinguished photography — www.stefanlubo.com)

Ash Dykes is attempting to become the first person to walk the length of the Yangzte River.

This year, Ash will attempt his greatest expedition yet, as he walks from the Yangtze’s source in the melt waters of the Jianggendiru Glacier on the Tibetan Plateau to its delta near Shanghai, where it meets the East China Sea. This expedition is set to be his toughest yet; it will be over 4000 miles, an estimated 8 million steps, that will take at least a year to complete. This is definitely not for the faint-hearted. The Yangtze is the longest river in the world to flow through a single country. Its length has never been walked, until now.

The severity of this 6,437km challenge is not to be underestimated. Throughout Ash’s estimated 8 million step exploration, he will undoubtedly come across some of nature’s most intimidating experiences. From snakes to bears, wolves to Asian hornets – the isolating weather-ranging and isolating challenge will push all of Ash’s strengths to the limit.

Ash may be superhuman to most people but even he needs to stay hydrated and find safe drinking water whilst on his expedition. Whilst this may pose some problems to most people, this is something that Ash doesn’t need to worry about. The last thing he would want to do is add to the weight he is already carrying with bottled water not to mention also spending a lot of money on something that he can find for free.

With Water-to-Go by his side every step of the way, Ash will be able to stay well hydrated and healthy throughout his journey. Water-to-Go will be his personal, portable water filtration system that will allow him to find safe, drinking water from any non-salt water source in the world. The Water-to-Go bottle filters out well in excess of 99.9% of all microbiological contaminants in water that can make you ill. These include bacteria, viruses, parasites, lead, chlorine and water borne cysts. This means he can fill up from any non-saltwater source and still be able to drink healthy, safe water making it his ideal travel companion.

Ever since we started working with Ash back in 2014, he now swears by Water-to-Go for all of his expeditions to keep himself healthy and hydrated. That year, Ash became the first ever recorded person to walk across Mongolia solo and unsupported, covering a distance of over 1,500 miles in 78 days. He trekked over the Altai Mountains, through the Gobi Desert and the Mongolian Steppe, all whilst pulling a wheeled trailer weighing 120kg, carrying everything needed to survive. Whilst this was hard going mentally and physically, Ash was able to complete this incredible challenge and stay hydrated by filling up from local water sources without getting ill.

“I had been searching for some time, for a really good & effective water filter to take on my expedition across Mongolia, but I kept coming across water filters that needed to be pumped to purify the water (in a desert of 45 degrees C, this was the last thing I wanted to do).

My agent came across the Water-to-Go stand at an adventure festival and asked for a demo & how they worked. He was so impressed that he sent me a text straight after, in which I then went on the website, and found the perfect bottle to take out with me. I’ll be coming across all sorts of water sources in some extreme locations.

The fact that I could top the bottle up and drink it straight away was what hooked me the most, and it was an absolute must for me in such an environment, but even my latest trek in Scotland saw me topping it up constantly from lochs, rivers etc and the taste was perfect. The bottle really does deliver and I’m super impressed with it & can’t wait to use it on my latest expedition. Fantastic product, team & service, I highly recommend.”

Ash Dykes

“The bottle really does deliver and I’m super impressed with it & can’t wait to use it on my latest expedition.”

His next amazing challenge was in 2016 when Ash achieved his second world record by becoming the first person to walk the entire length of Madagascar’s interior, whilst summiting its eight highest Mountains. An expedition of over 1,600 miles, taking 155 days to complete where he faced many challenges from being held up by the military, contracting the deadliest form of Malaria, crossing crocodile infested rivers amongst much more, and one that Bear Grylls wished him luck on.

His next expedition is just as mind-boggling and challenging as the others but with Water-to-Go by his side, we are sure that Ash will persevere to complete his toughest challenge to date.

Following our recent launch in China, this has been the perfect opportunity to help promote Ash’s incredible new venture to a whole new audience. We have appointed HH (Shanghai) Environment Technology Co Ltd. as our new partner and distributor for China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao as Water-to-Go continues to expand and enter new markets.

Ash Dykes with our new partners and distributor for China, HH (Shanghai) Environment Technology Co Ltd. — Following our recent launch in China, this has been the perfect opportunity to help promote Ash’s incredible new venture to a whole new audience.

Sustainable travel is an important aspect of Ash’s expeditions which is why the connection with Water-to-Go is so poignant. We are only too aware of the effect that we have on the planet particularly when travelling and Water-to-Go is the perfect sustainable solution to the damage caused by single-use plastic. Water-to-Go are working with several organisations and partners such as Ash to help tackle this problem.

“Water-to-Go are delighted to be sponsoring Ash Dykes on his latest mission along the Yangtze River. Having worked with him since 2014 and sponsored him on his previous expeditions to Mongolia and Madagascar, we couldn’t wait to work with him again following the announcement of his next mind-boggling challenge. We know that in the toughest times of his previous expeditions, Water-to-Go has been with him every step of the way and has helped him through to the end. Ash is a fantastic ambassador for Water-to-Go we are grateful for the faith he has shown in the product and the business.

This announcement has coincided perfectly with our recent launch in China so it has been a pleasure to introduce Ash to our partners [Health and Happiness] in Shanghai. This has not only strengthened our partnership further but has been a great opportunity to promote both Ash’s next venture and our expansion into new global markets. We wish Ash all the best on his expedition and we can’t wait to see what the future holds.”

Dave Shanks, Water-to-Go CEO

Ash is not only a fantastic ambassador but a true inspiration to so many people by showing the importance of pushing your limits, dreaming big, having goals and staying persistent in achieving them.

Water-to-Go bottles and communications systems from Galaxy1 and Navarino (Photography by lubo – distinguished photography — www.stefanlubo.com)

Water-to-Go isn’t the only important bit of kit for his expedition. Ash will be able to stay constantly connected with this amazing Galaxy1 IsatPhone and Data Hard Drive from Navarino.

Ash will be venturing on this mission in the next few months and you can stay up to date with everything that goes on as he hopes to make it one of the most interactive expeditions ever as well.



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